Cyber-Physical-Human Systems (CPHSs) – 2017

This is my current topic of research

(The following text is extracted from my PhD Dissertation, 2017)

This internet’s growth has also brought terms to describe the internet’s ecosystems. Some familiar terms include Internet of Things (IoT), Web of Things, Industrial Internet, and the Internet of Everything (IoE). One term that has become mainstream is Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) [LS15] and Cyber-Physical-Human Systems (CPHSs) to establish the human as an active component during cyber and physical interactions [SSZ+16].

CPHSs are highly dynamic and complex, as well as being subjected to certain degrees of unpredictable behaviour from the environment and the user. These conditions create various challenges related to the management of CPS which might require runtime capabilities that enable the system to detect, monitor, understand, plan, and act upon those changes while minimizing (and potentially eliminating) the downtime of the system. We de ne three dimensions of CPHS: cyber, physical and human. Each dimension is connected to the other two through smart interactions [NCCY10b] depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Three dimensions of Cyber-Physical-Human Systems

The physical dimension comprises all resources connected to the system through sensors and actuators. The cyber dimension describes all computational, networking and cloud infrastructures that communicate resources’ data, processes and software. And the human dimension describes the human elements, as well as their situations based on their goals and context. The human dimension is especially relevant for this dissertation when CPHS’ objectives are aligned with the achievement of users’ personal goals.


[LS15] E. A. Lee and S. A. Seshia. Introduction to Embedded Systems, A Cyber-
Physical Systems Approach, Second Edition., 2015.

[SSZ+16] S. K. Sowe, E. Simmon, K. Zettsu, F. de Vaulx, and I. Bojanova. Cyber-
Physical-Human Systems: Putting People in the Loop. IT Professional,
18(1):10{13, Jan 2016.