Self-Adaptive Systems – 2012

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This site provides a free access for the project entitled:

A Reference Architecture for Component-Based Self-Adaptive Software Systems

The software systems whose purpose is to support the organization’s stability is required to be adaptable to support the continuous changes in the businesses objectives. As the context is unpredictable and adaptation is required during run-time it is necessary to build systems that can be more self-adaptive and able to reason about itself and its context. Software engineers have made significant efforts to propose self-adaptive systems using different approaches based on feedback loops, components and even hybrid architectures, and communication standards. Often, these proposals merge self-adaptation with the target system making very difficult to analyze the adaptation capability. In this paper we describe our design and evaluation of a component-based architecture to implement the basic elements required for self-adaptation: monitoring, analyzing, planning and executing. Our architecture will provide separation of concerns and extensible capabilities in such a way it can be extended to be implemented.


About this project

Presented in partial fulfillment to obtain the Title of Magister in Informatics and Telecommunications Management

by: Lorena Castañeda Bueno Web Site
Advisor: Gabriel Tamura Web Site

Department of Information and Communication Technologies
Faculty of Engineering
Icesi University
MGIT (Maestría Gestión de Informática y Telecomunicaciones) Oficial Website
Icesi University Library record – Click here to Visit
Cali-Colombia (2012)



  • LORENA CASTAÑEDA BUENO, GABRIEL TAMURA, “A reference architecture for Component-Based Self-Adaptive Software Systems”. Colombia. Revista Paradigma, Vol. 7 No. 1; ISSN: 2011-0065 ed: Universidad de los Andes. Read Article

Other unpublished manuscripts

  • Self-adaptive systems: Overview and Approaches. (…) This survey article presents an overview of foundational elements and different approaches for implementing autonomic software systems. lcastaneda-sas-survey-draft.pdf